We are a group of dedicated volunteers advocating for people who cannot always advocate for themselves. Our inclusion community will be a replicable global model that we hope will gain popularity as we evolve.

Your donation will help us in phase one of our project.

We are raising 25K in seed money to hire a consultant, formalize our plan, engage experts in the field, and to prepare informational materials and legal filings. Each phase will get us closer to our goal.

We appreciate your advocacy. Support in any amount is generous and tax deductible.

CHInyc is a NY state incorporated nonprofit and a Fiscally Sponsored project of FJC, a 501(c)(3). All donations made to CHInyc are 100% tax deductible.

Donations made through this page will appear onyour credit card or bank statement listing FJC, but your donation will go directly to support the mission of CHInyc.

An estimated 5% of donations will be used for processing, administration, and fundraising fees and costs. 

If you wish to make a donation by check, please make it out to FJC with a reference to CHInyc in the memo line and mail it to: FJC, 225 West 39thSt, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10018.